Membership in international organizations
Mental Health Europe (MHE) is a European non-governmental organization representing organizations and associations working in field of Mental Health on local, national, regional and European level. MHE was established in 1985. Fokus Association has been its member from 1999. Mental Health Europe promotes a positive viewing of mental health issues, prevention of mental problems, services development, advocacy, human rights protection of mental health services users, hospitals patients, their relatives including providers of this care.
Confederation of European social Firms, Employment initiatives and social Co-operatives (CEFEC) is a European network for social enterprises, social cooperatives, NGOS and partners
network aiming at helping to create paid employment for disabled and disadvantaged people. CEFEC is the only network of social firms all over Europe!
European Network of Active Living for Mental Health (ENALMH) is and association with the mission to promote the use of Sport & Physical Exercise in the prevention of Mental Illness as well as in the therapeutic process by inspiring and aiding competent entities and institutions across Europe to aim towards the conjunction of the two fields.
Asociace komunitních služeb | Centrum pro rozvoj péče o duševní zdraví |
Ledovec Práh Péče o duševní zdraví
Cooperation on the ongoing projects
InALMH - Inter-Active Living for Mental Health
A.S.A.L. - Advanced Skills for Active Living
M.E.N.S. - Mental European Network of Sport Events
Our supporters